Number formats. Chart colors. Background color and fonts

Data in a chart means nothing if you don’t explain what it represents. We do this by putting labels and titles on the axes and sometimes we add a legend that tells us what different colors mean in the chart.



Axis labels

Depending on the chart we can add labels to the X axis (horizontal) or the Y axis (vertical). This is often the “name” of the row.


Axis titles

We use axis titles if we want to give more information about what they represent. Here we put the Y axis title as “Score”. Axis titles can be a matter of taste and context, but in this case putting a title on the X axis doesn’t seem necessary.



Legends are used when we are showing more than one data series in the chart. In this example I’ve extended the data referenced in the “Data” field to include the score from 2023 as well as 2022. The legend shows what the different colored columns represent. In a line chart this would be colors of different lines.



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