We aim to give everyone the power of a data analyst. You can make advanced charts and summarize your data in GRID if you’re willing to write just a little bit of spreadsheet formulas. Don’t worry, though. We developed an AI assistant that allows you to generate formulas from natural language.

<aside> 💡 Check out this guide on building a burndown chart in GRID.


How to use the formula assistant


Here you can see further information about how to use the formula assistant!

Data preparation for Notion users

To make your data visualizations look like they were done by a professional you sometimes need to prepare the data a bit.

You can do this preparation in GRID Sheets which is our built-in spreadsheet editor. If you're familiar with the capabilities of other spreadsheet editors like Excel or Google Sheets, you can do most of the same things in here.

Here are a few tricks that can be useful.

Reference Notion data in GRID Sheets

When writing formulas in a spreadsheet you can reference a spreadsheet cell with something like A1 or a range of cells with something like A1:C10, A:C, or A2:C.

Notion data is not a spreadsheet so we reference the data differently. The simplest way to reference it is using the mouse. Just write the equal sign in a cell and then point to the data you want to reference.

The references will look like this:


Reorder columns

Currently, the columns in a Notion database appear in GRID in alphabetical order, except for the first column which stays number one. The simplest way to reorder the columns is to use the [CHOOSECOLS](<https://exceljet.net/functions/choosecols-function>) function.